> Will shadowboxing improve punch accuracy?

Will shadowboxing improve punch accuracy?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
shadow boxing is a good work out but not really for accuracy, double end bag and mitts are the best way to increase accuracy. punching fast and the double end bag and mitts increases timing and accuracy as you become consistent with punching at high speed at a small target will help you alot. use your shadow boxing to warm up work on footwork, bob and weave, rolling punches, in and outs and what not :)

To some degree but it's always best to use other training methods other than shadow boxing such as double-end bag, mitts training and a light sparring session.

Not really. Punching mitts with your trainer is the way to go.


Ok so shadowboxing is my favorite boxing workout and meditation for me of course I focus on footwork I visualize an opponent I'm fighting. I work on power for body and speed for head shots. But does it work punch accuracy at all little or alot