> Why are boxers always shirtless..?

Why are boxers always shirtless..?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Boxers sweat profusely and having a shirt or tank top would be very uncomfortable as the accumulated sweat absorbed by the shirt would weigh down on the fighter.


Which started mostly because bodies can function more freely when not confined by clothing.

Take a look at "Stag Night at Sharkey's":


This isn't some gay guy's fantasy, it's how boxers fought in the early 20th

And there's another reason. You may never have heard the expression "Keep your shirt on!" to mean "Don't get mad and start fighting!" But in the days when a working man's clothes cost him enough money to worry about--not like now when a guy rips a tee apart on YouTube just to make a point--he stripped to the waist before starting a fight w/ another guy, partly for freedom of movement and partly because his wife'd kill him if he came home w/ blood on his shirt.

Its part of the rules. Fighters would wear padded shirts to soften punches if they allowed shirts.

The idea of being shirtless was to promote fairness.... It proved your opponent didn't have anything hidden beneath his shirt.

lol no idea and never thought about it actually...perhaps they should put Ivan Drago with a shirt on? That's gonna look even scarier..or not lol.

Because they sweat a lot and because a shirt would soften the punches.

It is more comfortable

you know like those UFC fighters (is that what they're called?)

and in general, the boxing sport.

i've never seen a boxer with a shirt on.

what is the reason? is it....

1) to emphasize how big your body really is compared to the opponent's; if your body is bigger and it dwarfs the opponent's body, the opponent is intimidated and could lose.

2) in the world of athletes and sports, the more muscular and ripped a man is, the more people think he has a better chance of winning a match.

if a man has a huge, rock hard chest and ripped 8 pack abs, than it is less likely the opponent will want to inflict pain or even touch that physique...

3) if a boxer has a shirt on, he could be disguising his true physique by the use of pads under the shirt to make his body look bigger....and therefore the opponent doesn't really think the man is capable of fatally wounding the opponent.

4).........or is it physical friction? when the two men get in contact and they try to harm each other, and there's too much friction with the clothing, it is less likely there will be victory?

so "why not just have all boxers be half naked"?

...............which of these is the right answer? it's just thinking realistically and common sense.

i could NOT find a good answer anywhere on the web and came to yahoo