> What did floyd proved tonight?

What did floyd proved tonight?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
That's hes the greatest fighter since Ali.

Clearly Floyd Mayweather Jr. proved who the dominate fighter of his era is. Nobody below 160 can match Floyd's ability, he is the best of the era. Everyone who has any boxing knowledge whatsoever, whether they love Floyd of hate him MUST acknowledge Floyd Mayweather Jr. is the best of the era, Floyd silenced even his harshest critics with this one, he reigns supreme at the top of boxing.

That he is the best and boxing has a Judging problem..lol some where Dana White is laughing

Oh he could be a good track runner because he ran a lot in the fight more running than fighting.


-that his defense is the greatest?

-that his speed is the fastest?

-his ring wit is the most genius?

-that his skill is the most tested?


how did a drained, slow, greenhorned canelo provided the answers?