> I'm 16 and have started boxing, advice?

I'm 16 and have started boxing, advice?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
I always think that power will come with time if you're boxing regularly before youre an adult especially with all the bag work. So what I would do is focus on speed, stamina and muscle conditioning.

I'm guessing this is what you mean when you say, outside of boxing training. There are too many muscle conditioning and stamina drills to list because they are obvious like running. On speed drills you can incorporate speed drills into shadowboxing, if you do that at your home, for example watch the video in the link and see how Pacquiao throws lots of really fast uppercuts, yeah they won't have any strategical purpose for a fight but will develop you're hand speed.

kind of agree with the last guy, supplements can help, nothing wrong with whey protein, BCAA's etc. but creatine will not help you with boxing. Im assuming by your question your not looking for help with your actual boxing, your asking about eating and workouts to help outside of it ? Well i would seek out something througha boxing forum if your looking for meal plans, but as far as training goes; do your road work, if you wanna be serious early on push for 5km a day, though I dont even do that and ive boxed competativley for over a year, 5km 3-4 days a week works for me. On top of that do interval training and work shoulder strength and more importantley endurance (high reps lower weight), that goes for your legs as well. As in my opinion legs and shoulders are most important to boxing (strength wise). It really isn't that complex (at our level anyways) just eat healthy and work the muscles that are centralized to boxing, of course do your cardio as boxing is pretty devestating cardio wise.

Do your roadwork. Interval training is best because it simulates what you'll be doing in the ring. Also don't be discouraged if u don't do something right. It takes years to be at a good enough standard to compete for regional or national competitions. That being said, you'll still be able to beat any average joe off the street who wants to test your manhood early on in your boxing career

Train 5/6 nights a week, healthy diet, give all when training.... And most important of all.... Keep your hands up!


1.Stay calm and punch lighter on the bag so you can last more rounds, keep your form together, and punch sharp. This will allow you to get in more minutes of quality bagwork. You want to have energy to hit the bag with correct form and keep your punches snappy, instead of spending most of your bagwork panting and huffing to show that you have “heart”. Don’t waste energy showing off on the bag – nobody cares.

2.Don’t workout till complete failure. Get tired, break a sweat, and just push yourself a little more each day. If you go until failure everyday of the week without a reason, you’ll probably overtrain and quit boxing very soon.

3.Drink lots of water. One cup every hour minimum!

4.Make friends in the gym, be humble, and ask people for boxing tips. When another boxer beats you, ask him how he did it; you may be surprised at how helpful he might be at showing you your own weaknesses.


1.Turn your whole body into the punch. If your feet are slow, (most people have slow feet at first) you will find that punching a little slower actually hits harder than punching faster. So in other words, punch as fast as your body can turn so you won’t sacrifice power. Again, use your whole body instead of just the arms to punch.

2.Throw short hooks, short uppercuts, and short rights but long jabs.

3.You don’t always have to throw one knockout punch after another. Combo light and hard punches and use head movement to fake out your opponent. Remember that the harder you try, they harder they will counter, and the harder you will get hurt. Calm down and throw the hard punches when you know they’ll land.

4.Never forget to go to the body. Try a jab to the head, and right hand to the body. When you’re in real close, lean your head inside to smother him and throw 2-3 body punches.

5.Throw 3-5 punch combos maximum. You don’t need 10-punch combos – all those do is sap your energy and leave you open to counters. Don’t even practice these for now.

6.Breathe out when you punch and always look at your target when you punch. Don’t hold your breath and don’t look at the ground. Learn to keep your eyes open during the heat of the battle!

7.Let your hands go! Don’t wait around forever to let your opponent hit you all day. Throw something even if it doesn’t land. Keep him thinking and keep your eyes open for more punching opportunities.


1.Stay calm and never stop breathing. If you’re starting to panic, ask the other guy to slow down so your mind and body can catch up.

2.Hold your hands high, elbows low, and move your head.

3.Don’t waste energy running around the ring, just take one step and pivot out of the way if your opponent is overly aggressive. Think of yourself as a matador pivoting out of the way as the bull misses. Don’t forget to hit him back.

4.Don’t lean back and don’t take your eyes off your opponent when you’re taking punches (this is especially hard for most beginners). Establish your ground and defend it with hard counters. Pivot so that you don’t get countered.

5.Don’t always wait for your opponent to finish punching before you start punching back. Interrupt his combos and hit him! Too many speedy fighters get caught up in trying to block all the oncoming punches that they never get to counter. Let your hands go!

Workout and take supplements such as creatine and whey protein to aid muscle growth. You can control your diet so your fitter and more healthy.

Wtf that first guy is stupid. Dont do supplements. You dont need that sh1t.

Okay people I started boxing a couple of months ago and I love it, but I want to take in very seriously and sacrifice things for the sport in order for me to excell. I'm wondering what I can do to get the best of my ability outside of boxing training? I just want any advice so I can go far in the sport! Thank you