> How to make my punches faster and stronger?

How to make my punches faster and stronger?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 

This is a question I get all the time after demonstrating my punching speed. This isy advice for you. When you throw a punch keep your arm as relaxed as possible when you throw a punch. When you keep your arm tense you use unnecessary muscles. For example, when you throw a jab the main muscles that should be active are your triceps and shoulders, but if you keep your whole arm tense you use opposite muscles such as your biceps wich are supposed to be used for retracting you punch so while you keep your arm tense you use both your triceps and biceps. Your biceps hold your punch back preventing your triceps from creating a greater amount of speed due to the unnecessary resistance caused by your biceps wich pull your punch in the opposite direction.

Practice the wing chun chain punch, itll speed up your overall punching

Working the double end bag with fast combinations helps a lot.

Picture yourself being wrapped and one or two hard punches won't stop it from happening.

i train my arms with lefting weights i use like 2 pound or somtimes 4 pound

Now don't tell me about correct techniques and stuff.i know this things.i was in boxing for 3 years and now in muay thai for 7 months.i need some good exercise to do at home to make my punches bla bla