> How to fight a Really Fat Kid?

How to fight a Really Fat Kid?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
rRdiculous question from a ridiculous person...

If this kid's really that fat, then it should be simple....

Move, feint and disengage for like sixty seconds or so. Make him follow you and react to your feints.

After a minute or two, this fat f*ck will be sooooo tired that he'll barely be able to breath, let alone defend himself.

It should be target practice for you at that point...BUT being perfectly honest with you, considering you felt the need to ask this question I assume you either suck at fighting or have no confidence.

You probably shouldn't risk fighting if that's the case.

Lol good one Brayden XD, cant stop laughing. But anyways, you shouldnt fight him its really not necessary-_-. Plus if you expect to learn how to fight online, your not that bright. But if you must, just keep your hands up, constant movement and target his legs and head, dont even try to grapple this guy. BUT keep in mind that, you dont know what this guy is capable of, he could actually know how to REALLY fight. As in he might have LEARNED and PRACTICED martial arts. So your *** could get wooped.

Use your height and fight tall and move when you fight. Make him miss and he'll tire. You should win easily he can't move, has no speed or reflexes unless you can't fight u win.

Throw a twinkie down a REALLY steep hill he should tumble and break his neck

kick him in the junk lol oh wait this is boxing never mind

LOL!!! video tape you getting ur *** kicked, then put it on YouTube

So this kid has pissed me off for years and I think I'm ready to fight him..I have an obvious height / reach (I'm 6 2) and he is maybe 5 7 ... But he is really fat maybe 80-110 pounds on me. I know basic of fighting but never fight a fat kid ,FYI he's actually somewhat fast for being so fat. Any tips?