They do it on tv all the time - the guy is "knocked out" for a convenient length of time - and then he just gets up and he's fine. But in reality, it can swell the brain and cause all manner of psychological problems - some permanent. It can cause bleeding and death. And overall it really isn't that funny - like in the movies.
You have to know how to transfer your body weight into your punch . You have to twist your hips , pivot feet and throw the punch all in perfect sync , whilst have pin point aim at the persons jaws . Everything has to flow . But be careful . I got into a fight and almost seriously injured someone with a perfect punch . It was so hard and accurate , they were shaking like they were having a seizure in a paralyzed state . It looked like pikachu shocked him with thunderbolt . Right on the jaw.
The chin and the side of the head punch with power will put them on their *** guaranteed.
hit in on there chin directly
I can fight but i dont like too. Dont feel like gettin a busted up face and ripped up clothes cuz somebody stupid want to start trouble. lol.
In order to knock someone out does your hit to the Jaw have to be REALLY HARD with almost ALL YOUR STRENGTH or it can be just plain simple firm-ish swing ?
And where is the most accurate knock-out spot on the jaw? (the chin area? beside the ear?)