> Holmes - Spinks II, Unbelievable Disgrace.?

Holmes - Spinks II, Unbelievable Disgrace.?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Yes, Larry Holmes deserved the decision in this fight no doubt. I had him winning about 9 rounds. He lost the first Michael Spinks fight however he figured out his awkwardness by the second fight. Larry Holmes was never a big puncher and by 1985-86 when he lost both of these fights he was ready to be taken. Styles make fights and Spinks was terrified of Tyson and it showed. Holmes was one of the great heavyweights of all time. Why I rate him so high is he was adaptable. As I mentioned earlier by the second fight he figured Michael Spinks out. It is too bad he got robbed. However boxing is the most controversial of sports. The reason being nobody but the judges knows for sure who is ahead if the fight goes the distance. This is not the only questionable decision over the years, there have been many.

I watched this fight live with a friend of mine and scored it myself and as I recall I had in 9 rounds for Holmes 5 for Spinks and 1 even round as Holmes dominated tis fight imposing his will as Spinks who did have some good moments, mostly covered up fighting out of a defensive posture the majority of the fight. Yes to me this was one of the most outrageous decisions of all time and right up there with Pacquiao vs Bradley and Louis vs Walcott I, The first fight between Holmes and Spinks I scored as a draw but Holmes was robbed in the 2nd fight.

Both fights were suspect.

I think this is a case where personal favorites or the fact Holmes made some very thoughtless statements caused these decisions.

However, this is just one in many, many bad decisions in boxing.

I have been to fights were the fans threw chairs and bottles into the ring after the decision, and there were better fights in the stands than in the ring.

Wasn't Holmes old at that time he fought Mike Spinks? Or you talkin about Leon Spinks?

I think boxing is a business, and Holmes was part of the past and has to pay his dues to boxing as well as get a big pay day.

What i think is that if you're the older/past legend, you'd have to win by KO or else they giving it to their new legend that they're gonna start trying to milk.

I know that this is old news, but after watching a Youtube of the fight I cannot believe that these judges were ever allowed to work again. I had Holmes 10-5 in rounds. It was astounding that a former champion of this caliber could be treated this way. Spinks ran and covered up for at least 2/3 of the fight. Most commentators had it in the range of 9-6 or 9-5-1 for Holmes.

The moral of the story? I guess, don't disrespect Marciano. But this cannot be the whole story, could it?

I'd love to hear what others think although you are probably all spent on this topic.