> Good stamina exercises for boxing?

Good stamina exercises for boxing?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Do not run on side walks as they are 10-15 times harder than the road and will cause stress fractures and shinsplints run on the road if you care about your health long term-Good luck!

Shadow box at a high intensity so you're trying to throw like 20 punches a second


Find a new place to do road work than. Cross fit training is great too.

Running and jump roping swimming a good too

Why don't you run on the side walks at night . That's what I do . There's no cars or people in my way

Burpees and running

Try dumbell presses

I need abit more stamina to keep me going but is there anyway of doing it inside without a treadmill as my roads are dangerous and I refuse to run out in them.

Also, is there any ways I could strengthen my punches? Is pushups on your knuckles good for strengthening punches? Can someone who knows what their talking about please help!