"Kill the body, the head will fall". Mexican boxers are notorious for wearing down an opponent with body shots.
A good solid punch in the solar plexus will fold a boxer.
Continuous hard hooks to the ribs will have him drop his guard to protect the ribs.
So, yes. hard body shots are very important in a fight. You just cannot always be a head hunter. You will be too predictable. Mix it up.
Taking hits is about pain tolerance more than anything else. Most fighter; boxing, mma, wrestling, ect. lose fights or get slow because they don't know how to breathe. Breathing and focusing on not getting wides when you train is wry important! When you fight normally your adrenaline takes over so hits don't really phase you, when you are training they do but not in actual fights.
body shots can hurt your breathing muscles which will lead to fatigue, so yes it's true. work on your core a lot and you can strengthen the muscles
Yes, body shots snuffs out oxygen in your body, making you gasp for breath.
It really doesn't matter how good a shape your in, if you get hit in the liver, your gonna wish you took up table tennis or badminton.
I want to get into boxing and I asked someone if having good stamina is useful. He told me that it is very useful because you can resist fatigue so you can keep going without getting exhausted. But he also told me that it helps a lot because you can take many body shots because body hits actually tire you out, like they make you feel tired, so having good stamina helps you endure them. Is it true?
I always thought that stamina doesn't have anything to do with taking hits. I used to think that taking hits is only linked to your toughness, pain tolerance(as they inflict pain) and body armor(muscle, fat, strong bones to absorb shock).
So, is it true that stamina and high energy levels help with enduring hits?