> Can you fight in boxing at 15?

Can you fight in boxing at 15?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Am joining a boxing gym in about 2 or 3 weeks and right now am 14. I was wondering at what age can you have your first fight?


yes you can fight at 15 and younger to, but if your looking to get into MMA then id say got to a martial arts school for as long as you can make sure they are good at what they tech and at least a master. but if I was you Rain id just stick to boxing you can get killed even with gloves on so MMA is even worse than that. BOOB BOOM Mancini killed a boxer in one of his fights< and was never any good after that. take one of the martial arts if you like they protect you better than MMA

Any person can go train at a gym, regardless of age or sex. As long as you have the desire to train, you should be able to join.

Depending on weather you a boy or a girl. They do make exceptions, You will have to do a lot of training first but i'm sure that if you are good enough it shouldn't matter how old you are!, Good luck, do your best

Am joining a boxing gym in about 2 or 3 weeks and right now am 14. I was wondering at what age can you have your first fight?