Lead hooks to the body and uppercuts
U can check out fighters like Henry Armstrong or more modern ones like Kassim Ouma and best of all Roman Gonzalez
Keep in mind, u have to learn how to work off a clinch and ALWAYS punch with a free hand when a taller opponent tries to tie u up like Matthysse does or even Golovkin
One way to work off a clinch is do what Floyd Mayweather did against Mitchell and always punish him if he clinches (even by dirty tactics like elbows) never let them tie u up with out letting them pay for it.
Then there's the old conventional way like taking half a step back or pushing there hands off like McCullum or James Toney or as recent as Kovalev do. Just remember to always keep one hand free and use it whenever possible and don't rely on the ref to break the hold
Walk to the nearest building- house, store, bank, gas station, whatever.
Find the door: It's generally rectangular and has a hinging mechanism.
Walk through the doorway. This may require you to push or pull the door in or out.
Walk forward until you are inside. Generally, there will be a roof located directly over your head.
Walk up to somebody and slug them in the eye.
Good combos to throw inside, left hook to the body right hook to the head.
Watch highlights of mike tyson, you'll see many ideas there
So people tell me if i want to fight like an inside fighter, i gotta bob and weave then slip the opponents punches and throw a few jabs to get inside. Once im inside, what do i do? What are good combos to throw once im inside?