Guerrero wins by knock out in a great fight .
Guerrero would be Ortiz mostly because Ortiz is more likely to crumble in the face of adversity. Given the way their fights went against Mayweather, Guerrero was frustrated but kept trying to win. Ortiz resorted to trying to foul Mayweather, then, even though you could say Mayweather took a "cheap shot" Ortiz was mentally out of the fight by the 4th round.
Ortiz has better movement, but he can be lured into wars. He was lured in by Berto, but he won. He was lured in by Lopez, and he lost. Guerrero would bring him into a war, rough him up, and frustrate Ortiz to the point of breaking him down mentally.
I think Victor Ortiz has learned from his fight from Floyd but he still has mental lapses because of it sometimes in the ring. It is ashame but it's the truth. I still however think that Ortiz will win. I really don't think Guerrero is very talented.
The Ghost would destroy the ballroom dancer....
These two mthfckers should find a new job...
Rumor is that they will fight!