> Would it be a good idea to switch to southpaw?

Would it be a good idea to switch to southpaw?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
You would have a killer hook! LOL

Don't. Ur rear hand is meant to be ur more powerful/dominant hand. If u fight as a southpaw, you're rear hand will have hardly any power and you'll most likely be a 1 handed fighter

give it a shot during your sparring sessions might be key when you need to be versatile in your fights. I hope it works out well for you.. Rememer PROTECT YOURSELF AT ALLLLL TIMES lol

Go for it

I am a right handed fighter, but I was thinking about switching to southpaw. I tried it a little bit with shadow boxing and I don't do to bad at it. I know that Victor Ortiz and Chad Dawson are both righties but box in a southpaw stance. I am going to try it more this week in sparring. any thoughts? Thank You.