> Woman in pro sports?

Woman in pro sports?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
I know theres woman pro sports but do you think there will be a woman in the nhl, nba, mlb, or nfl someday?

No. They have there own leagues in my sports. I'm a female and have no problem admitting I'm not physically equal to most mean. I was an athlete all through school and college but it just isn't the same. I was a lead off but I'm no Matt carpenter and never will be. They have wnba and Npf women have their own leagues. It jut wouldn't be fair to expect them to compete on the same level as men in the MLB or nba.

No, women are not physically equal to men, elite women are better than non elite men, but they can never be equal to elite athletes.

Testing has shown that women are not as strong or fast as men, and even some long time ago predictions that elite women runners would equal men has not come close to reality.

I think its possible but some leagues are men only... the nhl is a league that allows both genders but men dominate it. Hayley Wickenheiser was regarded as one of the best women to play hockey but got cut from the final roster. so yes it will happen but not often

Hell no. They would get eaten up.

I know theres woman pro sports but do you think there will be a woman in the nhl, nba, mlb, or nfl someday?