> Witty way to say "Tip the Bartender"?

Witty way to say "Tip the Bartender"?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
It's a wedding reception; how 'cutesy' do you want to be? A simple, "Please tip your bartender" card in front of a large brandy snifter will suffice. Put a couple $5 bills in it just before she begins serving.

"The bartender is working for tips" works for me.

bro, tip the bartender for me.

If there needs to be a sign I prefer simple and polite like "Gratuities are appreciated"

Very gauche.......

A friend of my Mom has agreed to bartend at my wedding free of charge. We of course will be tipping her for her service, but I'd like to find a witty saying or something to go on a tip jar for our guests to tip her as well.

The funnier, the better! (Preferable "clean" funny, as it is a family function).