> Will running a mile everyday improve my boxing stamina?

Will running a mile everyday improve my boxing stamina?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
One mile is not enough you need to run at least 20 to 30 minutes to get any benefit in cardiovascular fitness.

You do not need to run 4 miles all the time.

It would be good to alternate days, where you run intervals such as fast for 2 or 3 minutes, then job for 1 minute, you are trying to condition your body to the length of the rounds you fight, and do a few more intervals than the number of rounds you fight.

So you could run easy for 10 minutes then do the intervals then run easy to cool down, on the other days you should run for distance.

Interval training is best for anaerobic fitness which is vital in boxing. Running several miles at a steady pace won't do much but it's good for losing weight

Nah should run 4 miles atleast

It's better then nothing my boy. +3 level up to your boxing skills with jogging a mile.

I have pretty good stamina already but I don't run consistently I can run 4 miles without stopping at a steady even pace and I do Sprints 3 times a week. If I run 1 mile everyday and keep doing my sprints along with my 5-6 rounds of sparring will the 1 mile help or do I absolutely have to run upwards of 4 miles all the time? It is rough on my knees. BTW I'm 17 and an amateur