> Will Cheerleading help me lose weight and gain muscle?

Will Cheerleading help me lose weight and gain muscle?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
There isn't really an exact answer to this question. It all depends on your body. But you will certainly get in shape, and don't be suprised if you gain a little weight at some point, its probably just muscle! :)

Backspotting wont make you lose weight, im a main base, ehich means I practically life all the girls weight most of the time, and that doesnt make me lose weight, just gain arm strength. But I do lose weight during cheerleading seasons because our coach makes us condition/ work out regularly and not to mentionfor punishments, for not listening or being late or whatever . So it really depends on how much you work out at practices.

Yeah, just google cheerleader's look at their bodies you will be fit in no time

I couldn't give you an exact number, but you'll definetly tone up. You'll be in great shape. Considering you are already not fat to begin with

You won't be able to make the team unless you are skinny anyway. So what's the point?

I'm a back spot, lifting up a probably 90 pound girl. (She's extremely small.) We're gonna be doing lots of exercise at practice. How much do you think I will lose? Cheerleading season usually lasts about 2 1/2 - 3 months.