> Why potluck at work?

Why potluck at work?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
I never participate in pot lucks at my job, either. But it's certainly not because I don't like my coworkers.

At a previous job, I went to some of the pot lucks. But then we got this new guy who was rather "festive." He'd talk about an upcoming pot luck like it was New Year's Eve or something. It was so annoying. Every frickin' day you had to hear about the chocolate cake that he was bringing.

Just be honest. Tell then, straight up, that you don't like to eat at potlucks because, frankly, you don't know who did and didn't wash their hands while they were cooking.

There is nothing wrong with being concerned about germs and contamination.

Just eat your own food then.

they make me feel inadequate for not participating. I have a legitimate reason not to participate, I don't want to get their germs

They're trying to create a positive atmosphere and good morale with the workers by doing a social event in which they share. You're the sad little black cloud in the corner. Stop being rude. If you don't want to attend, then politely tell them you won't be participating, but don't look down on them for trying to create a good work environment.

You seem angry.

Yes, you are being a jerk.

Either attend and enjoy or say that you cannot attend.

End of story.

My co-workers are always doing these "potluck" events in the office, making food and sharing. Frankly, the idea of eating what my co-workers would make disgusts me. Many of them I suspect mix food with their feet. But telling them "no I'm not participating" makes me feel like I'm being a jerk. Doesn't this violate political correctness in some way, them making me uncomfortable by staging these potluck parties? I don't want their freakin norwalk viruses