> Why is Harry Greb the GOAT? Why he isn't?

Why is Harry Greb the GOAT? Why he isn't?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Let's make a case why he's the greatest ever and why he is not! Non biased answers only please!

as much as i respect grebs record i doubt if he would beat modern boxers ,greb fought during the early days of boxing when it was still much rawer and less stylistic than now really it was closer to fighting than boxing .

for me boxing has evolved and just as jack johnson wouldn't be able to beat vitali neither would greb with ward .

greb was a great fighter in his day but we have moved on and i just can't see greb living with a guy like roy jones or hagler.

here's an old clip from just after greb was fighting with jack dempsey ,now watch this and tell me that these boxers wouldn't get destroyed today.

Henry greb will not survive in our era because boxing evolved. The fighters today have better skills and techniques.

Henry greb was a great fighter in his era but time has passed. Our athletes is getting better because we have better training camps. There is more opportunities to develop skills, conditioning, and cardio. Greb skills were limited but he is a all time great because accomplishmented many things during his time.

Those who say boxing technique has evolved don't know boxing, it's history and how to interpret film with no hd close ups.

Let's make a case why he's the greatest ever and why he is not! Non biased answers only please!