> Why do professional athletes get paid so much money?

Why do professional athletes get paid so much money?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
The entertainment industry is a multi-billion dollar industry (movies, music, sports, etc...) There is an old saying; "If you want to know someone's priorities, look at where their money goes." I believe this is the same when it comes to cultures/countries. American's priorities obviously go towards the entertainment industry.

Your comment is NOT FAIR at all. Can you even comprehend the amount of hours they practice to get that good?? They spend more time training then you do studying for your college classes. You chose to excel academically and will get rewarded for that in the future. Professional athletes took a different route and decided to excel physically. In life as you age, you will realize the things that happen to each individual are deserving. Everyone deserves what they get in life...

Because there are few people who can take there place, and they produce millions in profits for the owners of the teams - as well as other businesses that rely on the team's success.

They get paid so much because they generate so much money.They worked incredibly hard for decades to get where they are.

They dont really do much. I think its ridiculous that they get payed more than people who had to go to college and university and that studied really hard to have the job they wanted. Do you think its fair?