> Why do more men go out than women?

Why do more men go out than women?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
The women are at home studying.

The men are out spending the rent money.

Natural , order of things. Men seek woman as mates, nothing changed except the place. Instead of the town square or church, or arranged meetings under chaperone, they go to what is considered a " gathering place" in todays society.

To be fair, women do the exact same thing.

Many confuse sex with love, they are two Vastly, different things.

Where things got really screwed up in "modern" society is most no longer are seeking a partner for life and to raise a family ( which is the Natural drive ) with but have confused it with a cheap thrill, just masturbation using someone else's body, and they just can't figure out why there so unhappy even though the " why " is right in front of them.

There is a Bible passage;

" A virtuous woman is more precious than rubies "

Be well

Women things differently than men, men like party's and bars because some of men but not all think that it's where you go when you are up for sex... And women on the other hand also think like that but not all of corse. Also some sees it as a place to go for fun and dancing or meeting new people.

The question is really hard to answer and it also depends on the place you live at, some areas in the world have more men and some areas have more women so that question have no answer if you are not specific enough. :)

well women just rather stay at home is a crzy world out of there

Why is it in most nightspots the man to woman ratio is like 2:1 if not worse and as such the venue will stop allowing men inside the establishment. Why on any particular night are there always more men out than women? Where are all the women if they are not out and why aren't men doing the same thing?