> Why do I suck at skating?

Why do I suck at skating?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
you either lack practice or you're just not meant to skate at all and should stop

i'd lean towards the first one

Practice makes perfect

skateboarding takes a ton of practice and determination. you have to be confident in it and maybe you should look into vert skating if ur good at halfpipes and stuff

See tutorials on youtube maybe you are doing something wrong ! And practice is what makes perfection !!

Im going to combine the other too answers: perfect practise makes perfect. Yiu have to do it right and you have to commit and practise, practise, and practise


Okay I've been skateboarding for daily about three years now and suck. I can't kick flip I can't Ollie I can't do anything besides stuff on a a half pipe why can't I get any tricks?