> Why am I so good at sports?

Why am I so good at sports?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Either you're lying or your mom/coach is lying. And your name doesn't help you either.

I can tell this is a lie. If you were really that good, older teams would be calling you up. If coaches do tell your mother this, they're trying to not make you feel bad. I have a feeling you're just trying to prove something to yourself.

That's not fair. You should be allowed in. Your mother should argue with the coach to let you in.

Lol maybe you actually suck so bad thats the cover-up.

either you are REALLY good or REALLY bad.Do you know which one you are?

Every time I try out for a team the coach always talks to my mom and she tells me that if I played with them I'd make all the other kids look bad and they'd feel bad because I'm too good so I can't play with them.