> Who is the greatest heavyweight boxer of all time?

Who is the greatest heavyweight boxer of all time?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Muhammad Ali.

Joe Louis is the greatest heavyweight of all time and that is according to the international research boxing organization

Muhammed Ali. Possibly the best resume of all time. Wins over Archie Moore, Sonny Liston x 2, Foreman, Joe Frazier x 2 Ken Norton x 2, Floyd Patterson x 2, and Earnie Shavers. What a legend

We older guys will always say Joe Louis...............He held the title for nearly 12 years straight and had 25 title defenses. Ali had to win and lose to become 3 time champion and Marciano only defended his title 6 times against old men, including Louis who had returned after retirement and was 37 years old. Marciano would never have beaten Louis while he was in his prime.

Joe Louis

Joe Louis

I say Joe Louis but you can make arguments for several men. This includes;

Muhammad Ali; only 3x undisputed heavyweight champion ever, he was also the best self promoted boxer ever and he fought many hard punchers.

Rocky Marciano; the only undisputed heavyweight champion of the world to retire undefeated.

Jim Jeffries; great competition for a short career, only ever lost after coming out of a 6 year retirement.

Wladimir Klitchko; longest reigning heavyweight champion ever, but not undisputed champion thanks to his brother who has a major title.

The argument for Joe Louis is that he is the longest reigning undisputed heavyweight champion of the world. He also opened the door for minorities in boxing, golf and the US army.

Muhammad Ali

Muhammid Ali with Rocky Marciano a close second

Joe Loius with Ali a close second

Jim Jeffries

Ali is the greatest no doubt...Some can argue but at the end of the day, ali is still the greatest...

Larry Holmes with Ali close second. Neither Louis nor Marciano are close.

Muhammad Ali is the GOAT. The casuals will say Joe louis but Ali will always be #1.