> Which sport should I play?

Which sport should I play?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Indoor track would better prepare you for track in the spring. You can swim in your spare time for cardio.

I did swimming. Honestly my first day was complete hell. I hate it now. You swim back and forth in a pool. You dive. Idk. If you like it do it. But honestly for me it sucks. But track honestly won't be much easier. Requires speed and good stamina. Takes time to condition honestly and coaches in highschool don't really give much time and consideration on ones current fitness.

see you keep only in one sports like badminton is the indoor and the best game see you said you did swimming so swimming can use for badminton what i mean means our hands power is used for swimming so the and the hand power can be used in badminton

Well, since you are afraid of a speedo, you should not do swimming.

I'm in high school now and I was wondering which sport should I play on the winter. Indoor Track or Swim Team. I plan on running outdoor track in the spring. i know that indoor track is different but it would be good to condition my body. For swimming in pretty fast but I've never competitively swam and I don't want to wear speedos. But I know that swimming would also condition me and tone my body for outdoor track.