> Which of these fighters could have beat floyd?

Which of these fighters could have beat floyd?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Tommy Hearns

Ray Leonard

Hector Camacho

Aaron Pryor

Chavez Sr

Pernell Whittaker

Henry Armstrong

Tommy Hearns - Yes. I think Hearns would've been the worst matchup possible for Floyd to fight. He was a highly skilled boxer, with crippling power and a GREAT jab.

I'm sure Floyd would make it competitive, but Hearns was a physical freak at 147lb and IMO the only guy in the history of the sport that could possibly knock Floyd out.

Ray Leonard - I think Floyd would give SRL a lot of issues. I don't know if he'd win, but Floyd and SRL would be in a really close fight, one that would end in a split-decision or draw type fight, where SRL got close rounds just based on his flashy combos and overall showmanship.

Hector Camacho - Floyd's got this, easy IMO. Camacho was a really good fighter, but he's not on the same level of Floyd. Floyd wins a competitive, but clear cut decision.

Aaron Pryor - Damn, that's a mean fight. Pryor was relentless, but I think that would play into Floyd's game a little it. Pryor would throw and miss a lot, Floyd would take advantage and counter. I see it being a very hard to score, split decision win for Mayweather. Very interesting fight.

Chavez Sr - This is all Floyd. Whitaker completely schooled JCC. Mayweather would do the same, and considering Floyd was just as good of a boxer as Sweet Pea, BUT with a better offense, he would put on a better performance than Whitaker did IMO and (unlike Whitaker) not get robbed by the judges.

Pernell Whitaker - Great fight. Both are ATG defensive fighters. Floyd had a much BETTER offense though, and was more versatile in that respect. Floyd takes a 116-112 type of decision.

Henry Armstrong - Can't really give you an answer here. I know of Armstrong and have read a ton of articles and things of that nature about him, but I haven't seen him fight and I need to see a guy fight in order to have confidence in talking about him in matchups like this.

So sorry, but I don't know how the f*ck this fight would play out since I'm ignorant towards Armstrong and have never actually watched a fight of his.

Tommy Hearns, Ray Leonard, Henry Armstrong

Tommy Hearns- Too tall and too much reach for Floyd to compensate with. Unlike other boxers that are tall but could be baited into fighting smaller, Tommy LIVED to fight tall and utilize his jab. I dont think he would get a knockout cause he was a bit too slow to really get hands on Floyd, but he would win an easy decision.

Ray Leonard -Ray all day. Ray has forgotten more about boxing than Floyd has ever learned, and was considerably faster and was MUCH stronger as a welt.

Hector Camacho- Camacho? Not a chance. I like him, he brought style and flash to the game, but he would look slow and novice on Floyd. UD Floyd.

Aaron Pryor- Pryor was a windmill...and that would carry him for a round or two. But Mayweathers style is made to pick off hooks, which was Pryors primary weapons. After a few rounds of missing too much and getting picked, he would get countered too hard and begin to think. Mayweather UD.

Chavez Sr -I dont care how good his chin is, Chavez would be debacled. Too slow, too limited..and Floyd flat out wouldnt be there.

Pernell Whittaker-THIS, would be a complete snoozefest. Two defensive fighters waiting for the other to engage? I dont think I would care who would win.

Henry Armstrong-Really, unsure about this one.

tommy hearns

Sugar ray Leonard

Henry Armstrong

Chavez Sr

Out of the ones you mentioned

I think Hearns, and Leonard are the only ones with a chance. Pryor was great too. I think Floyd has a great chance of beating these guys though. The only reason i say Hearns, and Leonard is because they fought very tough competition, and were great fighters as well. I think Hagler, and Duran would have great chances of beating Floyd too.

Floyd Mayweather is one of the best fighters of this era, without question. However, as much as I respect him, he will fall short to most of these legends. Here's how I think each fight would go.

Tommy Hearns has the boxing skills, height, and reach to beat Floyd. The only way to beat him was to knock him out. Floyd doesn't have that power to knock Hearns out in my opinion. Hearns will bother Floyd and outbox him all night long, before dropping him with a big right hand to the chin in round 10.

Hearns KO 10.

Sugar Ray Leonard was one of the best adjusters ever. Floyd could bother Leonard, and make him miss a lot early on. But Leonard's speed would also be too much. Floyd does have great defense and reflexes. But how do you avoid a punch you don't see coming? Leonard beat another defensive genius in Wilfred Benitez, but I think Floyd's defense is slightly better. Leonard will walk through all the counter punches of Floyd, and keep on coming. In about round 12, his combinations will be too much for Mayweather to handle, forcing the ref to stop it.

Leonard TKO 12.

Camacho and Mayweather would have great trash talking battle, with Camacho winning I think in trash talking. But in the ring, Mayweather will be the same and although Camacho was very fast, neither man will hurt each other, and I think Mayweather wins a unanimous decision.

Mayweather UD 12.

Aaron Pryor never ever stopped throwing punches, and I think to beat Floyd, you have to keep him with activity. It's so hard to hit Floyd. Pryor will make every shot count, and even Mayweather counters, Pryor will just keep throwing punches and walk through Mayweather's best shots. I think pressure is the key to beat Mayweather. Pryor's pressure will stop Mayweather in 11 rounds.

Pryor TKO 11.

Now against Chavez, I think he'll do pretty easy. Chavez isn't fast enough for Floyd even though he has punching power and is also a pressure fighter that keeps coming. I think this reminds me of the Hatton fight, Chavez coming in, and taking right hands. But, Chavez survives, and Floyd wins a decision.

Mayweather UD12.

Against Whitaker would be a chess match between two of the best defensive fighters of all time. But I think Floyd will be the aggressor here like in his young years, and take a unanimous decision.

Mayweather UD12.

Against Henry Armstrong would be similar to Pryor. Armstrong will bring too much pressure for Floyd, and will stop him in about round 9.

Armstrong TKO 9.

Tommy Hearns; too big, fast and strong.

Ray Leonard; too big and fast.

Henry Armstrong; far more experience.

Maybe JSC sr. who was like castillo on steroids

Tommy Hearns

Ray Leonard

Hector Camacho

Aaron Pryor

Chavez Sr

Pernell Whittaker

Henry Armstrong