> Which boxer had the worst glass jaw ever?

Which boxer had the worst glass jaw ever?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Bruce Seldon when he lost by KO to Mike Tyson. It was the first time that I saw a boxer getting his wind knocked off not by the power and impact of a punch that landed but from the gush of air generated by a mighty Tyson swig that did not even touch, or barely touched him! Funny! Seldon was so scared that he folded at that first mighty swig no amount of slo mo replays would show that hit solid flesh.

Joe Louis

Roy Jones Jr. The only two times he was ever really punched, he went out cold.

Enzo Maccarinelli, his punch resistances is like tissue paper.

Amir khan

Who was packing the most fraudulent egg-shell mandible ever? Whose chin was concealing the thinnest egg shell? In short my friends, who was the biggest glass jawed fraud who ever stepped in the ring?