> Which all time great does GGG asimilate?

Which all time great does GGG asimilate?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
I see what you're saying, but Louis just looked a lot more stationary to me, and more upright. The things that I see in GGG that remind me of Louis the most are the way they go in for the kill when they realize they have someone hurt, and how they keep their punches short and economical for the most part. They don't waste many. Louis is one of the best finishers in the history of the sport. GGG is quick to jump on someone when he has them hurt too, but they do it in a stalking patient kind of way. I see the similarity there.

I like GGG, and I think he's a good fighter, but I wouldn't even say he's fought anything likened to a gatekeeper in the middleweight division yet. He's not getting any younger, and he needs to fight a legitimate middleweight soon. It'd be a shame if he didn't try to make waves and fight a top tier guy in the division while he seems to be at his peak. He's 30 something already I think? I'm not hating.. Just saying... He's looked good against the guys he's fought, and I think he's got the skills to take on the better fighters in the division. He just needs to do it.

All that ranting aside, He really reminds me a lot of Kostya Tszyu in the way he fights, and more-so than anyone else I can think of off the top of my head. I'm not calling Tszyu an ATG. I'm just saying that's who GGG reminds me of. Both were sneaky skilled, both put the pressure on guys and look for the KO, but they both do it in a patient type of way. It's a measured kind of pressure, a cautious pressure similar to the type applied by Joe Louis as you mentioned. Neither Tszyu or GGG over-commit or get sloppy. They stay balanced, composed, and cut the ring well.

I don't know. That's who I thought he reminded me of when I saw him first fight a while back, and I see the similarities the more I watch him fight; but at the same time,he is his own fighter. I like his approach in the ring and the way he uses and sets up with his jab. I think he's got the goods. He just needs to fight someone worth mentioning. Although he's looked good for the most part in doing what he's done, he still has a lot to prove.

GGGs style is too modern, a pressure technician who walks behind his jab and fundamentally sound with good defense and balance like GGG and Roman Gonzalez. I think were seeing more technical pressure fighters than we did and might open the door for more to come.

Like I said, thats kind a new for boxing but we will see more ot those, but the past technical aggressie fighters that I can think of are Joe Frazier, Aaron Pryor, Chavez Sr, Henry Armstrong, Sonny Liston and more recently Dariusz Michalczewski

Thats a really good comparison.

I was going to say evander holyfield.

Uses the double left hook head/body combo.

Excellent footwork, cuts the ring off well.

Effective inside and out.

And the ring walk reminds me of evander a little too.


For me; he is just like a young Joe Louis. He uses the exact same subtle defensive postures, is always in position to block and dish out. He is also a very patient fighter who stalks his opponents.

He is just like a middleweight version of the Brown Bomber. His punches are also very subtle looking but deadly & he has Louis accuracy.