> Where/how should i throw a party?

Where/how should i throw a party?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
don't throw a party at your house if you are not comfortable of people trashing it, if you want hold it at a dance/event place with music

In my opinion, don't throw a party at your house or around your pool, because pizza knows that it's going to be a tornado after everyone leaves. Go to a theme park or something!

i think your house is best place.

i think us

i'm turning 17, and i plan on inviting a lot of my friends and family. i never threw a party before, or even been to a biggish one so i just want to know things to consider.

on the places, i can only think of the pool and my house (however i don't think i want to throw it there). anybody have suggestions?

i know to consider food/beverages and music, probably parking too. anything else to consider? thanks