> What sport should I start?

What sport should I start?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
TRACK!!! I joined track this year, after doing cross country for the first time, and I have to say, it's the most fun thing I've ever done. It's incredibly hard and time consuming of course, but it is so worth it. I run distance and the other runners are my second family. I didn't know any of them before joining, but running and competing together just brings you so close. There's a ton of time to hang out and socialize. You just get to know each other on a more personal level. It's hard not to like somebody when you spend 20 hours a week training and hanging out at meets with them. And running gives you such a great feeling too! You feel so accomplished whenever you run particularly hard, or beat your best time, or come in move up a heat level. It's just such a great experience! You should definitely do it!!

You don't have to be young to start gymnastics, except if you are trying to end up elite. If you are ultra competitive it might not be good because you can't reach the top level but if you want to have fun and learn new skills then it is. Personally I like gymnastics because you are always learning something new but really you should just pick whichever you think you will enjoy more. Most gyms will let you do a trial session for free which might help you decide.

Gymnastics is hard to start at 14. You need to be young. I took up horse back riding when I was 18. One of the top hardest sports of all times. Great work out and so much fun!

Tennis is a great sport to try out! I love it because its not a very competitive sport, especially if your playing for a school team! Plus its a sport that you can use throughout your whole life

gymnastics probably. what kind of body do you want? that would help me decide

My dad wants me to start a sport ( I'm 14) so I deciding rather or I really want to do one or the other. It's between track and field (I'm a good runner) and gymnastics (I'm pretty flexible) which one would u do if you we're in my position. Which one do u think is better starting at 14.?