> What sport makes my butt bigger?

What sport makes my butt bigger?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
which sport will get me some Thick thighs a big butt and a small waist cheerleading or soft ball?

Roller blading, it is easy to do and you will get the results you want- look at a professional speed skaters. They have awesome thighs and great butts. Do it fast for as long as you can , then skate casually until you can go fast again.

You can also walk hills, the push back motion really works the butt and hamstrings and calves.

The best thing is horse riding. It takes a while to get into but it is so worth it and enjoyable. All of my riding friends have perky bums and thick thighs, including myself, and riding is a great way to strengthen your stomach and to train it to be flat.

Zumba? You get the exercise and youll have a butt that is up and big. Lol????????

Competitive eating.

which sport will get me some Thick thighs a big butt and a small waist cheerleading or soft ball?