> What songs are good for a childs party?

What songs are good for a childs party?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
its my baby brother and sisters party this weekend.

lewis is becoming 6

gabby is becoming 5

what songs are good, up to beat song for them to boogy to?

Check out some Crazy Frog songs, they are techno type of songs and are VERY catchy, one of the songs lyrics even has some dance moves encouraging kids to dance. I would think it would be the best choice for a kids party

I would go with something like the kids bop cd or songs. Kid friendly and its up to date with the songs and all

Probably love the Wiggles, hope they have a great birthday

Cannibal Corpse, Goatwhore and Anal C*nt

check for some selena gomez disney stuff miley cryus, justin bieber.

its my baby brother and sisters party this weekend.

lewis is becoming 6

gabby is becoming 5

what songs are good, up to beat song for them to boogy to?