> What should I do if both parachutes won't open?

What should I do if both parachutes won't open?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
If neither the main chute nor reserve opens, you will hit the ground at about 125mph.

The chance of that is very remote, around 1 in 4 million.

You are 35,000 times more likely to die in a car wreck on the way to the drop zone and 5000 times more likely to have a fatal slip and fall in the shower.

Fall to your death.

idk ive never been skydiving lol, i'm scared of heights but have to get over it because i wanna go into the military, but i would talk to my friend and the instructor and tell them in the case that that does happen that one of them dive down, grab you, then open their chute, and hold on for dear life lol, and yes i'm being serious, and it may seem unlikely that they could do that but in that case why not at least try lol

Today most new jumpers go tandem with an experienced instructor so there is no danger you will screw up and not open your chute.

Normally you pack your own chute,and the reserve is packed by a federally licensed chute packer so there is no danger it will malfunction.

If by change both chutes do not open you will die, but there will be an investigation.

My friends got me invitation for skydiving for my birthday. I'm waiting forward to it, but I'm kind of afraid that both parachutes - main and backup one won't open.

I know probability is VERY low that both of them will malfunction, but just in case, if that happens, what should I do?

P.S. Serious answers only, please, not "pray for your soul" and such.