> What should I do at the party?

What should I do at the party?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
lighten up,you only live once. go have some fun and stop worrying. You won't regret it

Many people feel awkward at such events which is why people sometimes tend to get drunk, and end up throwing up on the carpet. As long as you don't do that, and especially if you try to help your friend with the cleaning up afterwards, you may get invited again.

One of my friends who is a senior invited me to a graduation party tomorrow (which is Saturday).However, the only things that I have had problems with parties is because I feel like I might be a buzz kill or wont have fun. The reasons are that I wont know most of the people their and if I do I never talked to them, and that's just going to make me feel uncomfortable. If I go to her party this would be the second "teen" party. I've never gone to any parties that are strictly teens with a few adults around I've only gone to family parties and those two types of parties are completely different.

I also feel uncomfortable around girls who look "hot" (sorry but I had no other term to describe the women) its not because I cant talk to them but because they look like seductresses as if they want to try something with me (and I know they don't want to, I just feel that way and act weird around them because their might be other people watching and I don't want to look bad).

I have no problem talking to them in private, just one on one, I just hate it when people watch because I cant concentrate.

And I know I probably wont be talking to any girls their because I don't know them but I'm going to be bored and I feel I'm going to be forced to. I also don't want my friend to regret inviting me.

so please help! what should I do at the graduation party! Im sorry but I just don't want to feel uncomfortable. I want to have fun just don't know how.