> What places should you hit first in a fight?

What places should you hit first in a fight?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
If you get in a fight what places should you hit first?#tips

remember to keep your arms and elbows in and your arms up at all times if the other person has their hands out strike in the low torso they will flinch down and grab their stomach and they leave their face and upper body openI learned that out of experience I am a fairly big guy 6 foot 4 and 292 pounds I am 15 and never lost hey fight. knock on wood. Good luck.

-.-' #tips?


Err, well if it were me, it's situational but if it's a person right in front of me, always the face. If you can land one good hit in the face the fight will be over.

Otherwise depends on the situation, if they're behind you or to your side and you can't aim it as easily, obviously a nice winding blow in the chest or a leg kick if you can manage it. Breaking their posture is important but stuns are the most effective ways to finish a fight so that's why I suggested the face first.

Hit the shoulder to make him spin and kick him, hell fall straight

Depends on your objective.

Always remember, eyes, nose, throat [:

If you get in a fight what places should you hit first?#tips