> What party should i do for my 15th birthday?

What party should i do for my 15th birthday?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Board games, card games, video games, truth or dare, water balloon fights, dancing, karaoke, makeovers (can get pretty hilarious when guys do girl's makeup), pizza party,watching movies/tv shows and drinking soda or some type of drink whenever something specific happens or is said, Sports like volleyball, paintball, airsofting, and laser tag.

DANCCCEEEEE OF COURSEE!!! lol if its going to be really realy big as your saying. i suggest you get a dj, and speakers and all that stuff. and foood, you know everybody loves food, so if theres going to be alot of boys AND girls get all types of good food. i mean i think that really it that us 15 year olds want, im 15 too, and personally id just love to dance and have a good time with friends and a birthday party. hope i helped :)

I'm from the south and the way we have fun is mud. Get some buddy's with some 4wheel drives and go out to a mud spot and just go all out. Swimming we do swimming after all the time bc after muddying you gotta wash off so I to a river and do it. I'm 16 and all the birthday party's I've been to it's been better when you have all that. And food. Food food and more food. Did I say food. But just go out and have a good time with whatever you and your friends like to do where your from

Dance, talk, eat, play games, flirt.

Paintball was the best party ive ever had it was so fun

im turning 15 and i want to have a really big girl and boy party. but i dont know what to do! my house isnt that big but i wanted to either have it somewhere else, or rent somewhere else! but if you got invited to a party, what would you think was fun to do? any ideas?