> What movie should I show OUTDOORS?

What movie should I show OUTDOORS?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
I also don't think that Sandra Bullock's Gravity is a party movie. The Elvis movie Blue Hawaii is and it will be great if your having some older guests. Otherwise, stick with your Island Theme anyway try Catlady's movie pics.

Where ever you are, I wish I were there. No way could I have an outdoor party this time of year, especially this horrid winter.

South Pacific. You can't beat a classic.

I would probably go for something fun (Pirates of the Caribbean,) but if you want something with more gravitas, then Castaway is both a beautiful film and very uplifting.

I guess I live under a rock. Anyway, I would get 50 First Dates with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore because it takes place in Hawaii and it's really funny. Or Honeymoon in Vegas with Nic Cage and Sarah Jessica Parker because they go to Hawaii.

Gravity is pretty serious! Why not show something really fun--like the musical "South Pacific?" Everyone can sing along with the cast!

I don't think Gravity is really a party movie. I'd go with something a little more upbeat like Dumb and Dumber.

I'm having a Hawaiian-Luau themed, late-21st birthday party with my family (around 12 people there, total), and we're going to have it outside and then watch a movie with a projector when night falls.

Originally, I was moving toward the idea of keeping with the "island theme" and showing Blue Hawaii (Elvis), Hawaii (Julie Andrews), or The Beach (Leonardo DiCaprio).

But now I'm feeling more willing to "branch out"---mostly because Gravity (with Sandra Bullock, if you've been living under a rock lately lol!) just came to RedBox.

What do you think?

Do any good movie ideas come to mind?

Have you ever seen/shown a film outside your house? If you have/would be willing to, what did you/would you prefer to see??