> What happens and usually goes on at cocktail parties?

What happens and usually goes on at cocktail parties?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Socialising, networking, light chit-chat, that sort of thing. All whilst sipping on some drinks and possibly partaking of canapés etc. Possibly a speech or two, especially if the party is in honour of someone/something in particular.

Top tip 1: arrive fashionably late, and leave early before it gets too boring.

Top tip 2: never spend too much time chatting to any one person, the idea is to mingle, and you want to be the one moving on (rather than being left behind when the other person goes to 'get a drink').

Top tip 3: don't drink too much too quickly, the idea is to behave civilised and stay in control; you should look as if you can drive home, even if you can't (and needless to say, you shouldn't).

You mingle, enjoy cocktails in moderation (especially if a networking or business related party), enjoy some hors deouvres.

Don't forget to bring something for the host/hostess.

Wear something nice.

First time I heard this, I thought they had peacock fights at cocktail parties.

when we go in cocktail party then we go mad by drinking and get hang overed by the all kind of cocktail. &at last when we return to our home we become like bottel of weine

People stand around and talk and drink.