> What can i do for physical activity?

What can i do for physical activity?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
As Otto said before you should totally try out Parkour. If you're looking for a fun, challenging discipline totally try this out. I started doing it a little over a year ago and I was surprised at how much I couldn't do to how much I can do now. Please check out my website which has a great video that explains what it is and why its something that you should really try. The website is www.parkourelments.webs.com. (Note: Website is still under construction but I pan on having it updated by the end of the month. Hope I sparked an interest!

(P.S. I'm a girl too so don't feel discouraged if you think this is only for males because IT"S NOT!, also if you have a Facebook check out our Facebook page for Parkour Elements @ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Parkour-E...

Have you ever thought about Parkour/Freerunning? It's a really great way to stay fit and healthy, and it's also a way to express yourself (as cheesy as it may sound), there are loads of places where you can start Freerunning, just look for your local Gymnastics gym, or search online for a Parkour club in your area and you good to go! Parkour is all about having fun and doing sweet flips aswell ;) Just search up Parkour on Youtube if you don't know what it is, but I'm pretty sure you will have heard of it.

girly things would be ballet, tapdance, cheerleading, poledance , trampolining, gymnastics or jst the gym. can be fun and make you feel good when you weight train. you will also improve your physique. you don't say how old you are but hope this helps

The funnest sport I know is fencing, which is absolutely great but also badminton

sweetie you r not into basketball etc.walking and jogging r great activities,try them and i bet you will enjoy them!

my mom is making me join a sport or do something for physical activity and im looking for ideas

id rather not go on about things i wont do but try to give me ideas that arent just the basics like soccer, basketball, etc.

im a girl btw if it makes any differance