> What can i do for my birthday?

What can i do for my birthday?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
So im having a couple of friends over at my house for my birthday and i dont want it be like boring. We are 8 14-16 year old girls. Any fun ideas for what i can do?

Compare boobs.

Smoke Weed.

Make Youtube Videos.

Talk about Boys and Who's The Biggest Slut.

Pillow Fights?

You all can have a bi Moment and play spin the bottle.

Tell secrets?

Invite some ****** Over

You know i have an aunty who came up with the funnest party game! :D Basically what you do is you have a number of gift bags with prizes in them - such as sweets, scratch cards, paper clips, or a number, if you have number it means you'll get one of the presents with that number on kind of like a raffle - you will need to prepare these presents they will be bigger prizes--they need to be numbered and hung up in order! You can have as many as you want! we had 80 xD then you print of a load of strips of paper saying things like

go back 2


put one bag in the middle

take all bags in the middle

give a blue bag to someone

swap a red bag with a friends blue bag

or it will have a number on it.

How to play:

You put all the strips into a bag - you'll need alot including numbers 1-how many bags you have

the players sit in a circle, taking on turns to pull out a strip, they do what it says: for example if it says '37' they getbag number 37, if it says put a bag in the middle you put a bag in the middle, if it says go back 2 you back to players, if it says take to more strips you take two more strips if it says revers you hand the bag round in the opposite direction, ect...

you keep doing this untill the last number comes off the wall

when it does you keep the bags you have and claim the prizes inside them, this game can go on for a while for example we had 80 bags it took 3 hours! :O hope this helped

Playing games on like playstation and wii xbox (if you have them)

Food fights are always good

truth or dare

water fights (if its hot)


telling secrets.

pillow fights

fashion shows are fun

if you did a fashion show you could try and make the worst outfit or something.

just a suggestion hope it helps :)

Happy Birthday :D

Good grief. Quite the diverse range of responses, gal. . From silly to sultry to sad... from somnolent to surrepticious . All I might know on this moment is... if you can stand on your head once in a while, it's more difficult to look down your nose at some people.

omg i laugh so hard at compare boobs.

u can do something fun like

-make over each other

-dress up

-comedy movie night

-photosession before and after makeup


So im having a couple of friends over at my house for my birthday and i dont want it be like boring. We are 8 14-16 year old girls. Any fun ideas for what i can do?