> What are skateparks like?

What are skateparks like?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Well, from what I've seen there are a lot of older guys practicing around the place (but don't be intimidated) They are there for the same reason you are... Most of it is going to be made out of smooth stone, and watch out for kid with scooters, SO ANNOYING! Anyway, it's fun, so enjoy it (I skateboard too and im 14)

You should go and just check it out and ride around a little.If you are confident try just riding on the ramp.Then when you get home you know what to practice on.Then you can come back later and you'll most likely be better

Just go to watch. If you decide you're up to it, try skating.

well since your a girl your in luck all of the boys will come to your assistance lol its true ive seen it alot. but just go and dont puss out if you fall or get hurt show your ready for this and people wont be mean to you

I've never been to one and honestly I'm a little afraid to go to one. I've got a pretty nice board and I consider myself a good rider but I can't do any tricks which is why I want to go to a skatepark, so hopefully I can learn some.

I'm a girl, 13 years old. I have another friend who skateboards too so thankfully I won't be alone haha