> Ways to get someone to their own surprise party?

Ways to get someone to their own surprise party?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
So me and some friends are throwing a surprise party for our friend and we don't know how to get him to the party without him guessing what's going on. Help please?

Insist on taking your friend out for dinner in honor of their birthday. Pick them up at their house and have the party ready to surprise your friend as you leave your house. Tell your friend that you forgot your billfold and need to go back to your house to retrieve it. Be sure you have the friends park their cars a distance from your house and as you come back to your car have the guests to release helium balloons out of the door, saying Surprise. Jo Ann

We used exactly Jo Ann's idea for my sister's party some years ago and it worked a treat. She thought we were going out for a small family dinner and had such a surprise when she arrived at the real venue and saw how many of her friends and relatives we had gathered together for her.

I think you have to tell him that you are going out to celebrate his birthday otherwise he won't think to change his clothes, tidy himself up etc and he would be put out by arriving at the party dishevelled.

I had a surprise Anniversary party for my sister and brother in law.I got in touch with a friend of hers,gave her a party invitation for her to fill out as if the party was for her and her husband inviting my sister & brother in-law to their party.They were very surprised when they realized the party was for them!

Stick him in a car, blind fold him & have someone drive him over to the secret destination.

So me and some friends are throwing a surprise party for our friend and we don't know how to get him to the party without him guessing what's going on. Help please?