> Very Picky With Food, Need Help ...?

Very Picky With Food, Need Help ...?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Some people are this way and they're always going to be this way no matter what you do or say so you either have to live with it and go with the flow or go your separate ways; you're never going to change their likes and dislikes but it "is" a bit much when you can't eat what you want; that side of it has to be sorted out.

Don't eat anything

My Girlfriend is very picky with food, she only eats Sandwiches, Kenny rogers & desserts ...

i never seen her eat anything else for the past 2 years ...

how do i get her to eat other things ? i am sick and tired of sandwiches and Kenny rogers ...

she looks at other food like its disgusting, i cant even eat a burger in front of her ...