> UFC fighter vs Boxer?

UFC fighter vs Boxer?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Street fight UFC fighter

MMA fight UFC fighter

Boxing Boxer

Boxer Could win a street fight or a UFC fighter it all depends

Here is Ray Mercer knocking out a known U.F.C. fighter in the octagon-

http://www.squabbles.com/2009/06/mercer-... This means nothing because it only takes one clean shot. So boxer can win against UFC fighter

In "street fighting" you eliminate the only thing that gives most UFC fighters a shot, grappling. Anybody that's had the misfortune of getting into real scraps (no glory in it) will tell you that going to the ground is absolutely the last thing anyone wants to do. Real scraps aren't like the movies where the crowd says ooh in unison and everyone backs up to form a huge circle so to people can fight. You're generally in close quarters with people and/or objects all around you and your health/life depends on disposing of the guy right in front of you within 1 or 2 shots, then pivoting and taking on anyone else.

In an MMA fight a good to great athlete that's an elite boxer and devotes 8 to 20 months (depends on ability to learn) of ground training will dominate the current crop of UFC fighters because of their striking ability and defense against it. Now a poor athlete that happens to be an elite boxer that goes up against a good UFC athlete will get embarrassed because of the lack of ability to react to what's occurring.

In a boxing match, there's not a UFC fighter that wouldn't be embarrassed by a second tier boxer no matter his style or athleticism.

In a street fight MMA fighter will win...80/100 times

In a MMA fights MMA fighter will win...90/100 times

In Boxing Match Boxer will.....99.9/100 times

Boxer beats fighter 65%, period.

Wrestler tires out and barely standing back up and gets beat up by the elusive fast hard hitting boxer, into submission TKO. Tell all your MMA friends this. Boxer beats fighter 65%.

Depends on the individual. I would say 50/50, in a street fight. I know Toney lost to Couture, and Mercer KO'd Sylvia. I also believe Mayorga is 1-1, in MMA.

Street fight UFC fighter will win.

Outside the boxing ring with those rules the boxer most likely will lose.

Street fight UFC fighter

MMA fight UFC fighter

Boxing Boxer