> Teenager party ideas?

Teenager party ideas?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Sounds strange but me and my friends bout loads of rolls of bubble wrap and put it everywhere i mean down the halls on the walls EVERYWHERE it was so fun! :D You can go to your local post office or online rolls are really cheap! I also had a paint fight with a friend of mine where we filled water balloons and guns up with watered down paint this is fun but very messy. Cooking is always fun! Why not have a mini bake off? Or make ice cream sundaes and buy loads of sprinkles and sweets! Movie marathons are always fun, you could make a smores dip! :D Which is where you melt chocolate in a bowl then but marshmallows on it, microwave it until there melted and them dip wafers in them xD Hope i helped :)


So I am having 2 friends over we are all girls and its my 15th. They are new friends as i just moved schools are quite refined i would like to know some fun ideas and things that we could do. Please give in as much detail as possible. Reminding there are only 3 of us. I have quite a big house :) thanks