> Teen Girl: Skateboard or Longboard?

Teen Girl: Skateboard or Longboard?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
A would suggest long boarding. They are a little bit easier because of the larger wheels. You can pick up long boarding somewhat fast. Long boarding is also safer because you are cruising instead of doing tricks. The prices range from about 100-500 dollars. I suggest if you are just starting to look into getting the model "Nickel" from the brand "Penny Australia" they are not as big but very affordable. Hope this helps.

For going around places I'd suggest long boarding. Long boarding is easier and safer since you really don't haft to learn any tricks. But at first your balance is going to be terrible but once you get over that, it's going to be the funniest thing you've ever done! The price of a decent longboard is 100-140$. I'd suggest you checkin out this website Ccs.com. They have good deals on skating cloths and skating equipment. And even if you decide not ordering from the website you can sign up for their free catalogs. There really nice and free! Hope this helped !

I skateboard and longboard everyday for about 5 hours. If you are just looking to cruise, carve, commute, and transport yourself then I would recommend a longboard. The ride will be smoother and more graceful than on a skateboard. However, longboards tend to be much faster than skateboards. Also, most are somewhat heavy to very heavy (to lug around and pedal). A longboard will handle cracks and other obstacles better because of the bigger wheels and larger deck. Even if you decide you want to do tricks you can do tricks on a longboard. (aerial tricks, grabs, grinds, downhill, dancing, free ride)

Neither is safe. And I'd go with a skateboard becasue it's cheaper and lets be honest you're not going to stick with it.

So I'm a teenage girl that wants to pick up either skateboarding or longboarding this summer. I'm not really looking to learn a lot of tricks or anything, just something that I can ride around the neighborhood or to a friend's house. Which one's easier to pick up? Which one's safer? What are the price ranges? Thanks so much!!