> Sweet sixteen bonfire ideas?

Sweet sixteen bonfire ideas?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Grill hamburgers with baked beans; the s'mores are an excellent idea. Make a yummy punch to drink. The lanterns can be found online - just google them. It sounds like it will be lots of fun! Best wishes!

pigs in a blanket,swedish meatballs chips and dips,coolade

My bday isn't until September but I like to plan early. I've never really had a big party but I want to this year

I have a pretty big yard and I want to decorate the trees with white Christmas lights and Chinese lanterns along with the usual party decor(balloons, streamers, etc)

I have a volleyball net but I'm thinking about putting a huge square tarp and make it all slippery so it'll be like slip n slip volleyball or something

Since no one has really done it idk if people will like it

I was thinking about jello wrestling but that may be a little expensive

I know s'mores is a must, but what other foods?

My house is walking distance to the lake. So I was thinking about getting floating lanterns and release them at the dock with my friends :D

Where do I get em?