> Sweet 16 party theme/ideas?

Sweet 16 party theme/ideas?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Diamonds and Pearls: Decorate with lots of white, an ice sculpture and get your guests to come wearing white and diamonds and or pearls (real or fake)

When I grow up: Fancy dress party where your guests have to come dressed up wearing an outfit that shows what kind of career they want when they're older.

16 years ago: Wear fashions, listen to music ect from 1997

Glow party: Go nuts with glow sticks, glow in the dark paint, look up glow in the dark drinks

sorry for the bad speeling but you can work around it I hope

my kid a girl is going to have her 17th in nov and she is going with a maskaradi (waring masks) and really nice big dress like they why back when as in grand balls and at midnight you take off your mask if you do it do it right have the music too. don't go having the same old DJ kind out there ( i 'm looking into the music of the time now

good luck I hope it help no one is doing this its the same old DJ and lights same old songs

lots of sweet 16 party ideas here


have like a color theme mabey pink and purple plates, spoons ,tablecloth,baloons, have like a color theme u no?

whatever you like

I'm having my 16th at a restaurant (which has music) I just want ideas on themes, and whys I can make the table more appealing? Its upstairs on the 'party floor' so noise and 'crazy looking decorations' aren't a problem.