> Summer bucketlist ideas?

Summer bucketlist ideas?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Make one new friend, Volunteer at 2 different places (animal shelter, soup kitchen, some local youth organization), Call a different family member (grandmother, great-grandmother, great aunt) that you might not talk to enough and ask them how they are, Go for runs outside 3 times a week, Learn a new craft (quilting, scrapbooking), Learn to cook 5 different things and prepare them for your family.

Picnics are always fun. A picnic near a river, take a ball down.

Are there any gardens around where you live? I know here in Sydney we have several botanic gardens.

There are often events on. Cultural events and stuff. Things like the colour festival. It's always fun to do something different.

volunteer, learn to play an instrument

I want to make this summer a fun one i already wasted 1 month doing basically nothing! I dont wanna be bored at home the whole summer! I wanna do fun things with my friends & family. Also im gonna be a junior in hs next year. Any ideas on what to fo for the summer other than like goin to the pool/beach